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FreeLeague FLEFTOR013 - The One Ring™ - Moria™ - Through the Doors of Durin (Adventure Module, Hardback)

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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Artikel-Nr.: FLEFTOR013-bur

FreeLeague FLEFTOR013 - The One Ring™ - Moria™ - Through the Doors of Durin (Adventure Module, Hardback)
For long ages, the great city of the Dwarrowdelf was the seat of Dwarven kings. Deep they delved beneath the roots of the mountains in search of Mithril, the fabled Moria-silver. Wonders they wrought there, by the light of crystal lamps. But a thousand years ago, Durins Bane arose and drove the Dwarves from their halls. The city fell into darkness, becoming an abode of Orcs, Goblins - and worse.
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls.
The darkness dwells in Durins halls,
The shadow lies upon his tomb
In Moria, in Khazad-dum.
But now, there is hope! Countless Orcs perished at the Battle of Five Armies, and it may be the Halls of Durin lie empty once more, waiting to be reclaimed by those with the courage to face the long dark under the mountain. Maybe there are piles of treasure there, waiting to be claimed. Maybe Mithril still glimmers in the mines under Caradhras. Cross the dread threshold, adventurer, and delve deep!
Moria™ - Through the Doors of Durin is a supplement for The One Ring™, the official tabletop roleplaying game based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Set in the years before Balins doomed expedition, this supplement contains a hoard of Patrons, Landmarks, foes, encounters and treasures that a Loremaster can use to construct their own adventures in Moria - from a single desperate journey in the dark to a grand campaign to retake Durins Halls.

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 23.11.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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