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Cobi 2576 - Sturmgeschütz IV Sd.Kfz.167

44,99 €*
44.99€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 49,99 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Größe: Maßstab 1:28
Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2023
Artikel-Nr.: 2576-cob

Cobi 2576 - Sturmgeschütz IV Sd.Kfz.167

The StuG IV tank destroyer was used by the German army from 1943 to 1945. It was developed on the basis of the hugely popular Panzer IV MBT and perfectly complemented the dwindling stock of German armored weapons. The StuG IV became known as an effective tank killer, especially on the Eastern Front. It had a crew of four and was mainly issued to infantry divisions. In total about 1,140 units of this vehicle were built.
The StuG IV block model was developed in the large 1:28 scale using 952 elements and measures 24.5 cm in length. The large size of the model made it possible to recreate details of the vehicles interior and design a beautiful block camouflage. The model offers access to the service hatch, under which there is a removable engine. Additional functionalities include: the cannon, which can also be moved sideways, access to hatches for the crew and working tracks. The model uses only high-quality, durable prints.
The model provides many hours of exciting construction and will become a standout piece in your Historical Collection! This is another demonstration of the possibilities of high-quality block modeling! Build history, piece by piece, with COBI!

  • 952 high-quality elements
  • Manufactured in the EU by a company with over 20 years of tradition
  • The blocks meet the safety standards of products for children
  • Fully compatible with other brands of construction blocks
  • Blocks with prints do not scratch or smear and do not fade during play or under the influence of temperature
  • All graphics are prints, no stickers were used
  • Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and step-by-step directions
  • Access to the interior
  • Scale 1:28

Größe: Maßstab 1:28
Hersteller: Cobi
Produkttyp: Klemmbausätze
Kategorie: Cobi Historical Collection
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Cobi Factory SA
Polish Army 3, 39-300, Mielec, Polen
48177889264, cobi.pl, kontakt@cobi.pl



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    Cobi 2576 - Sturmgeschütz IV Sd.Kfz.167
    Cobi 2576 - Sturmgeschütz IV Sd.Kfz.167 44,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 06.03.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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