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Tamiya 300014044 - 1:12 Yamaha XV1000 Virago

22,04 €*
22.04€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 24,49 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Größe: Maßstab 1:12
Versandstufe: 1*
Artikel-Nr.: 300014044-tam

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Tamiya 300014044 - 1:12 Yamaha XV1000 Virago
Artikelbezeichnung: 1:12 Yamaha XV1000 Virago
About the Yamaha XV1000 Virago
The motorcycle, along with the automobile, has played a big role in
transporting humans from place to place for many years. Man has always
been able to adapt his tools for specific needs, and as the motorcycle
became more and more a sport, or leisure transportation vehicle, it has
been designed for more specific purposes. The off road, touring,
motocross and speed bikes as well as the basic transportation motorcycle
can be seen in most countries, but America seems to have a certain
styling all its own. This so called Chopper style came about during
the mid 1960 s from the many modified Harleys done by members of the
many motorcycle clubs around the country. There are many long straight
stretches of good, high speed roadways in America, and to sit back
comfortably, with feet resting on forward pedals and sitting on a very
relaxing saddle, brought about these modifications. The Yamaha Company
of Japan is well known for quality bikes around the world, and they have been making bikes for specific areas for years.
The Yamaha XS650 Special released in 1978 had the American look, and
since then this company has marketed bikes with similar styling. The
XV1000 Virago is their latest, large bore, American styled motorcycle
and sure to become popular. Its front wheel caster angle of 32 degrees
provides an extended wheel base of 1525 mm, making its straight running
ability superb. The wide, pull back type of handle bars and the forward
placed foot rests, allow the rider to sit up as if he was on a horse. A
separate looking, loose cushion seat is almost like sitting on a sofa,
and it is positioned at a height of only 715 mm. The 70 hp 981 cc twin
cylinder is in the V format and transmits its power via an enclosed
drive shaft for quiet, maintenance free operation. The bike comes with
much chrome and lots of gold plating, but it is done in such a man

Größe: Maßstab 1:12
Hersteller: Tamiya
Produkttyp: Plastikmodellbau
Kategorie: Tamiya Maßstab 1:12

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    Tamiya 300014044 - 1:12 Yamaha XV1000 Virago
    Tamiya 300014044 - 1:12 Yamaha XV1000 Virago 22,04 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 19.09.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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