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Modiphius Entertainment MUH111V100 - Legends of Avallen - Against the Faerie Queene Campaign Book

61,25 €*
61.25€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2024
Artikel-Nr.: MUH111V100-bur

Modiphius Entertainment MUH111V100 - Legends of Avallen - Against the Faerie Queene Campaign Book
Dare you stand Against the Faerie Queene?
The Faerie Queene orchestrates an aeons-old quest for vengeance from the eerie twilight of theOtherworld. In Avallen, her hidden agents fulfil her bidding in rebellion against clans and godsalike. But the ancient fae cannot anticipate new heroes who are bold enough to rise against her.
Against the Faerie Queene is a 370 page epic fantasy campaign hardcover book full of Celticmythology, daring adventure, stunning artwork, and new character options for heroes of levels1-10 for both Legends of Avallen and 5th Edition game systems.
? Brave Epic Quests. Be swept across the Celtic inspired clanlands of Avallen in thisbranching, fifteen-part adventure where the fate of both mortals and the divine hang inthe balance. Your heroes will slay beasts in a mythical hunt, embroil themselves in royalpolitics, strategise daring heists, encounter unthinkable horrors, and finally stand againstthe Faerie Queene in an otherworldly dungeon delve.
? Unravel Dark Schemes. Beneath the surface of these branching adventures thrums adeeper narrative: the ancient designs of the Faerie Queene. A tale woven from threadsof passion, tragedy, and vengeance. Aeons in the making, this plot gradually revealsitself through the campaigns twists and turns. A tapestry rich with prophecies, legendaryartifacts, formidable adversaries, capricious fae, and the mysteries of the Otherworld.
? Choose your Legendary Path. Features new Legendary Paths for Legends of Avallenshumble Professions, including the true-name manipulating Enwyr and thebattle-bot-crafting Automaficer, as well as 5th Edition character options for all fifteenLegendary Paths, including the Fae-Touched and the Gladiator!
? Explore the Isles of Avallen. This campaign immerses you in the legendary isles ofAvallen, a realm inspired by the mists of Celtic myth intertwined with the tumult ofRoman conquest. Featuring overviews of the five Vallic clans, the Raxian invaders, andthe Fae families, along with 40 short stories and poems inspired by British Celtic talessuch as those found in the Branches of the Mabinogi, Historia Regum Britanniae and theFaerie Queene.
? New Gamemaster Content. Includes full colour maps, 50 Vallic, Raxian and OtherworldlyNPCs, 30 Celtic inspired monsters, 25 magical items tied into the adventures, and 5thEdition adaptations of the Legends of Avallen Parley, Stealth, Monster Tells, and Journeysystems.
? Compatible with both Legends of Avallen and 5th Edition game rules.

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Produkttyp: Rollenspiel
Kategorie: Rollenspiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Modiphius Entertainment Ltd3rd Floor
39 Harwood Road, London SW6 4QP, Großbritannien

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 13.01.2025
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