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Modiphius Entertainment MUH1140112 - Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo

37,50 €*
37.50€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2024
Artikel-Nr.: MUH1140112-bur

Modiphius Entertainment MUH1140112 - Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo
Ruins of Paradise, The City of Sighs
Almost thirty miles wide, the city of Emerta dominates the Emerta-Valo region of EveraPrime. Built as a technologically advanced paradise by the Everans of old, every aspect ofthe citys design was intended to be perfect: from its pristine and clear spaces, and itsbeautiful boulevards, to its towering buildings and idyllic homes - life in Emerta was one ofthe utmost luxury.
But when the Builders War broke out, Emerta - and many other metropolises like it -became brutal and bloody battlegrounds as the mechs that had once supported lifeobliterated it with ruthless efficiency and single-minded purpose. Since then, Emerta has satempty - bereft of life, but with untold treasures, mysteries, and dangers lurking within.These ancient ruins and all that reside within them await any who are bold enough to explorethem.
The Emerta-Valo Setting Guide, the latest expansion for Dreams and Machines, takesplayers and gamemasters alike deep into a brand-new slice of Evera Prime. This bookprovides enterprising gamemasters with all the information they need to transport theirplayers to the ruined streets of the City of Sighs and the wider Emerta-Valo region around it.Also included are several write-ups on existing locations from Regis-Kastell for you to use inyour adventures: the Deepwoods Archives, Elion Hill, and Padrol Tower.Players will find brand-new character options to ensure their experience of Emerta-Valo andthe wider Dreams and Machines universe remains fresh and unique with each passingadventure. Dive into your next adventure as a message-carrying Courier, or a Teller - anundisputed master of history and recounter of mysterious tales.
The full-colour, 128-page hardcover Emerta-Valo Setting Guide contains:
? 5 new locations for you to explore, rendered in all their detail so gamemasters canslide them seamlessly into new or existing campaigns set in the Dreams andMachines universe.
? A complete guide on how to use the new urban Hexploration rules, so you canpersonalise your adventures into the City of Sighs.
? 2 new archetypes - the Courier and the Teller - as well as over 40 brand-new talentsand guidance on both secret Truths and hidden talents to help make your nextcharacter as unique and exciting as the world of Evera Prime.
? A whole host of new GLIFs, weapons, armor and clothing, tools, and vehicles for youto outfit your player characters with.Requires the Dreams and Machines Players Guide and the Dreams and MachinesGamemasters Guide.

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Produkttyp: Rollenspiel
Kategorie: Rollenspiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Modiphius Entertainment Ltd3rd Floor
39 Harwood Road, London SW6 4QP, Großbritannien

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    Modiphius Entertainment MUH1140112 - Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo
    Modiphius Entertainment MUH1140112 - Dreams and Machines: Setting Guide - Emerta Valo 37,50 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 23.12.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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