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Parable Games PARSHI001EN - SHIVER RPG: Core Book

49,99 €*
49.99€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2024
Artikel-Nr.: PARSHI001EN-bur

Parable Games PARSHI001EN - SHIVER RPG: Core Book

SHIVER is a tabletop roleplaying game that you bring your favourite scary movies, spooky tv shows, and horror stories to life. Ever wanted to play through the plot of your favourite film on the tabletop? Or wanted to make sequels, prequels and original stories in the worlds of pop culture you love? SHIVER lets you play that!

SHIVER is setting neutral so you can play any story, anytime, and as anyone. Want to play a game of teens in survival mode against a zombie horde? Kids on Bikes who dread exploring a haunted house on Halloween night? Or perhaps a medieval monster hunter looking for a werewolf, vampire or mage? SHIVER can help you deliver stories and characters for anything from cult pulp classics to Cthulhu fuelled eldritch mysteries.

SHIVER is easy to learn, fast to play and immerses you in chaotic and dark magic filled stories. SHIVERs symbolic dice keep you immersed in the story as well as cutting out pesky arithmetic for visual aids. Character creation is quick and easy with a simple skill point and ability system that get you into the story and game fast.

SHIVER is perfect for creating your one shots or short stories between main campaigns. You can also create epic long stories by tying your one-shot stories together using rules for sequels.
SHIVER is inspired by many great bits of pop culture which we really wanted to play on the table including:

Stranger Things, Dracula, Jurassic Park, Aliens, Evil Dead, Friday 13th, Hellboy, League of Extrordinary Gentlemen, Gothic stories, Hellraiser, Indiana Jones, IT, Stephen King and his works, Fallout, HP Lovecraft, The Thing, and many more...

With the SHIVER Core Book you can play with the full dynamic Archetype game system featuring: 

  • 224 Full Colour pages packed with illustration in a Hardcover binding.
  • Highly detailed character creation for any setting
  • An easy to use character sheet
  • Monsters and enemies galore to slay or do some slaying.
  • Full Doom Clock rules to keep your story moving and raise that tension.
  • Thought death was the end of your story? Think again and get haunting.
  • Full rules for both Players and Directors (Game Masters / GMs ).
  • A suite of weapons and items from the generic to the esoteric

Hersteller: Parable Games
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Parable Games C/o 7th City Collectables
The Pencilworks, Lenton St, NG10 5DJ, Sandiacre, Großbritannien

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    Parable Games PARSHI001EN - SHIVER RPG: Core Book
    Parable Games PARSHI001EN - SHIVER RPG: Core Book 49,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 13.01.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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