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Parable Games PARSHI008EN - SHIVER Gothic Disciples Of Dregstone

39,99 €*
39.99€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2024
Artikel-Nr.: PARSHI008EN-bur

Parable Games PARSHI008EN - SHIVER Gothic Disciples Of Dregstone
A gorgeously dark Gothic expansion for the Award Winning SHIVER RPG. 

Inspire your players by expanding your gothic story world with Dregstone. Great for adding to a main story or even as a side plot for you todrop in and out of as players adopt the role of explorative street urchins, disgruntled shopkeepers, or concerned citizens in the citys underbelly.

Whilst the citizens of the Gothic city of Spireholm go about their daily business on the surface, just beneath the streets lies not only sewers and cellars but the entire  hidden city of Dregstone . Dregstone is where all that is unwanted in  Spireholm  ends up. From the piles of everything from rubbish to rats,  a civilisation of the outcast has emerged . 

Find your way from the surface world into the grim darkness of the Dregs. Explore the world of the Scorians. Rats forever changed by alchemical mutations. Befriend the resistance and fight against a tyrannical  dictator in a bid to escape the darkness and return home.

Disciples of Dregstone contains a number of stygian chapters that link together to form a subterranean adventure. The events of Disciples of Dregstone and the world in which it is set can be played on their own or can be slotted into the wider world of SHIVER Gothic .
SHIVER Gothic: Disciples of Dregstone features:

  • 160 pages of Gothic SHIVER content in full colour with stunning illustrations.
  • A monstrous Gothic sandbox setting, the Dregs. A limitless arena of dark tunnels and mutated underground beasts for you to explore to your hearts content.
  • A huge 7 chapter story set in the Dregs which will see you explore an unending dungeon, escape the clutches of mad science and horror, and fight with revolutionaries against a despotic  monarch.
  • New rules for Colossal Enemies and Critical Weaknesses, perfect for expanding your repertoire of boss monsters.
  • Rules and Backgrounds for playing as a Scorian character, the mutated rat-folk who call Dregstone home.
  • A swathe of Items, Weapons, Armour and Monster profiles for you to use in your SHIVER stories as you see fit.

Hersteller: Parable Games
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Parable Games C/o 7th City Collectables
The Pencilworks, Lenton St, NG10 5DJ, Sandiacre, Großbritannien

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    Parable Games PARSHI008EN - SHIVER Gothic Disciples Of Dregstone
    Parable Games PARSHI008EN - SHIVER Gothic Disciples Of Dregstone 39,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 10.01.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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