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Steamforged Games SFGDS011 - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Asylum Demon Expansion

44,99 €*
44.99€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 59,99 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Versandstufe: 1*
Artikel-Nr.: SFGDS011-bur

Steamforged Games SFGDS011 - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Asylum Demon Expansion
As you pace the halls and corridors of the Undead Asylum it can be found to be a lonely and quiet place, moribund and uninviting. Here dwells a demon capable of lethal rage, its mind still ruled by virulent thoughts. Beware this foe. For all that you will fight stronger, more cunning, and more agile opponents, complacency will hasten your end at its hands all the same. Can you triumph over the Asylum Demon, or will your corpse soon be another to roam the Asylum with the hollowed?
Asylum Demon
Mega Boss Game Board
4x Level 4 Encounter Cards
24x Boss Behaviour and Data Cards
4x Boss Treasure Cards
Asylum Demon Boss Dial
4x Pillar Tokens
Rules Leaflet
The Asylum Demon Expansion brings a unique challenge for Unkindled to overcome as they attempt to adapt to the ever-changing landscape. The Asylum Demon Expansion features the first boss players ever encounter in the Dark Souls™ universe and can be used as both a Mini Boss and a Mega Boss.
Out of the box, and ready to play, this is one of the largest miniatures available on the market.
The Asylum Demon is the first boss you ever encounter within Dark Souls™. To represent this, this expansion also contains rules to use the Asylum Demon as a Mini Boss.
Brand new Pillars of Woe rules which introduce a whole new terrain element to the boss encounter. Features a gigantic, beautiful PVC miniature of the Asylum Demon, and a massive Mega Boss board where the encounter takes place.
Unique Level 4 encounters adding a whole new element of exploration and level of challenge leading to the iconic Mega Boss encounters.

Hersteller: Steamforged Games
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Steamforged Games Ltd
EU-Kontakt: burst Spiele GmbH Maybachstraße 5 71088 Holzgerlingen Deutschland www.burstspiele.de
Osprey House, 217-227 Broadway, M50 2UE, Salford, Manchester, Großbritannien

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    Steamforged Games SFGDS011 - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Asylum Demon Expansion
    Steamforged Games SFGDS011 - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Asylum Demon Expansion 44,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 11.01.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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