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Cubicle 7 CB70600 - Uncharted Journeys (5E)

49,99 €*
49.99€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
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Artikel-Nr.: CB70600-bur

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Cubicle 7 CB70600 - Uncharted Journeys (5E)
"Its not the destination, its the journey.? 

From the award-winning team that brought you  Doctors and Daleks,  Adventures in Middle-earth, and  Victoriana 5e comes  Uncharted Journeys for 5e!  Uncharted Journeys brings detailed travel rules to the 5th edition of the worlds most popular roleplaying game and provides in-depth yet simple rules for creating memorable and compelling journeys. Make travel a fun and rewarding part of your 5e game!  

Undertake perilous journeys as your intrepid party blazes new trails across strange and uncharted lands. Strike out across unforgiving tundra and forge your path through deadly jungles as you battle to reach your destination. Experience travel in 5e as never before with thousands of possible encounters. Meet strange and unforgettable characters along the road, and uncover lost and forgotten ruins. Expand your 5e experience with new character abilities. 

Your journey starts here! 

Uncharted Journeys provides a wealth of information, rules, and encounters to make travel a key part of your 5e adventures. The book includes 

  • Easy to understand rules for journeys and exploration:  Set the Route to your destination and determine how long (and how dangerous) the journey will be,  Prepare by gathering supplies, securing mounts, and resting before the long road ahead, and finally,  Make the Journey and experience strange and unique encounters along the way, and be forever changed by your experiences. 
  • Rules for four key Roles required for a successful journey: the  Outrider, the  Quartermaster, the  Sentry, and the  Leader. Each Role has a unique ability that can be the difference between success and failure on the treacherous paths you travel. 
  • Advice on which Classes are best suited to which Roles, as well as new rules for resting and recovering Class abilities while on a long journey. 
  • New ways to create unique and interesting travellers you meet on the road: Where and when do you meet them? Are they friend or foe? Where are they going? Why are they travelling? What do they want?  
  • Rules for creating countless ancient ruins that your party can discover: who built them, how old are they, and who lurks there now? Is it an archive containing forgotten elven lore, or was it created by an ancient civilisation for some sinister purpose? 
  • Almost 2,000 Journey Encounters across 16 different regions, including huge cities teeming with people, thick jungle overrun by beasts, haunted lands ruled by a malicious Vampire Lord,  and scorched hellscapes ruled by demons and monstrosities. 

Hersteller: Cubicle 7
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    Cubicle 7 CB70600 - Uncharted Journeys (5E)
    Cubicle 7 CB70600 - Uncharted Journeys (5E) 49,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 20.09.2024
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