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Cubicle 7 CB72600 - Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook

59,99 €*
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Cubicle 7 CB72600 - Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook

The sinister schemes of the Chaos Gods have shattered the galaxy. The Great Rift tore through space and reality, pushing mortal life to the precipice of oblivion. The Gilead System has lost contact with the vast Imperium, trapped in the silent darkness. As the shadows of extinction loom, hope fades but is not yet entirely extinguished.

Rallied by the Rogue Trader Jakel Varonius, a disparate group are dedicated to doing what must be done to keep the Gilead System from being consumed by the darkness. Can they resist the machinations of Chaos as well as the plots of those who see the rift as an opportunity to further their own power?

Time is running out in the 41st Millennium. This accursed age needs heroes more than ever before.

Will you answer the call?

The Wrath & Glory Rulebook is everything you need to roleplay grim and glorious adventures in the Gilead System.

What is Wrath & Glory?

Wrath & Glory is the story of the Gilead System, eight Imperial worlds cut off from the Emperors light by the Great Rift. The new Rulebook focuses on the Gilead System, allowing you to tell your own stories in a society beset by daemonic invasion and internal corruption.

Character Creation has been streamlined, with a focus on Frameworks. With so many choices of who and what you can play, youll want to decide the focus of your game early!

The Factions Chapter is a primer on life in the 41st Millennium, detailing each of the organisations vying for supremacy in the Warp-torn Gilead System. Here youll find expanded background options for every Faction, each of which provides a bonus during play.

The Archetypes you know and love have been presented in an easy-to-read, single-page format. All requirements have been removed, and extra bonuses have been added to complement the slight changes to Wrath & Glory. The Attribute, Skill, and Talent suggestions are ideal for guiding new players through making a character, or building quick NPCs on the fly.

The Wrath & Glory Talent list has been massively expanded into an entire chapter for a greater range of character customisation. Some of these are classic Warhammer fare we know and love - tearing through armour, proficiency with blazing promethium, and, of course, MORE DAKKA! There are other choices for investigative or social-based games. Talents like Conversational Cogitator bring the focus back to roleplaying, letting you use the augmetics of your mechanised mind to calculate the best response in any conversation.

Once youve survived a few adventures (hopefully without losing too many limbs), youll have gathered some Experience Points (XP). The new Advancement chapter has overhauled the Ascension system, allowing you to change Archetypes, take new Ascension Packages, or just spend your XP on cool stuff. The system is designed to be both robust and flexible to suit any group.

The essential Rules have been reviewed, edited, playtested, and presented with a focus on clarity and quick understanding. Very little has changed bar a few simplifications, which will mean youre using the book less and your imagination more.

Combat is around every corner in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium. Weve gone through all the errata for Wrath & Glory, taking the same approach as with the Rules. Combat is largely unchanged, apart from simplification, clarification, and some cool new optional rules, including an entirely new Stealth system.

Hersteller: Cubicle 7
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    Cubicle 7 CB72600 - Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook
    Cubicle 7 CB72600 - Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook 59,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 20.09.2024
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