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Dragon Shield Roleplay ART50010 - Game Master Companion - Iron Grey

56,24 €*
56.24€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 89,99 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage **
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Artikel-Nr.: ART50010-bur

Dragon Shield Roleplay ART50010 - Game Master Companion - Iron Grey
Stash and transport hordes of monsters while you conceal devious plans behind your GM screen! The Dragon Shield Game Master Companion is a two-in-one game master screen and storage/transport solution for game masters of tabletop RPGs. Bring everything you need for game night in one convenient box, including a practical GM screen which streamlines the flow of play.
The GM screen features an integrated initiative tracker, pockets for notes and bands for phones & pens. Level up your RPG experience!
The initiative tracker is the groove which runs across the top of the GM screen. Insert monster or player cards in the groove to make initiative order visible for everyone! Draw your own player or monster cards with the 18 included reusable standard sized cards and dry erase marker. The initiative tracker is also compatible with official monster cards.
The back of the GM screen has pockets on the 3 large panels which fit A4 or letter size papers. Keep reference information handy, such as condition effects, maps, or frequently used random tables. You can get free inserts to print out for your GM screen for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition at dragonshield.com/roleplaying
Use the straps behind the small panels to conveniently use reference apps on a mobile or keep your pens and pencils handy during play.
The GM screen is 23cm (9?) high, giving the GM a good view of the table are even while seated. The screen wraps around the box securely with a strong magnetic closure.
Use the storage box and 6 included foam trays to safely stash your miniatures, RPG books and dice. Two of the foam trays have slots which fit standard sized cards (sleeved or unsleeved). Place trays facing each other to fit large/tall miniatures. You can easily transport the GM companion with the included strap/carrying handle.
Both the box and GM screen feature a tough Dragon Skin™ exterior, making the GM Companion durable and ideal for turbulent dungeon delving! Dragon Shield Roleplaying accessories are designed to enhance gameplay and immersion for Game Masters and Players of tabletop RPGs!
Included in the box:

  • 18 reusable cards 
  • Dry erase marker
  • 4 foam trays with varying size slots
  • 2 foam trays with small slots
  • Dragon Shield mini-adventure
  • Carrying strap with handle

Hersteller: Dragon Shield
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Arcane Tinmen ApS
Oervadsvej 55A+G, 8220, Brabrand, Dänemark

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    Dragon Shield Roleplay ART50010 - Game Master Companion - Iron Grey
    Dragon Shield Roleplay ART50010 - Game Master Companion - Iron Grey 56,24 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 25.03.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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