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FreeLeague FLEFCOR002 - Coriolis The Last Cyclade

39,99 €*
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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
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Artikel-Nr.: FLEFCOR002-bur

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FreeLeague FLEFCOR002 - Coriolis The Last Cyclade
Ash falls like snow over the mourners lining the shores of Dar Bahri, while smoke from the funeral pyres rises toward Dabarans blood red sun. Far above in the darkness of space, a lone ship waits to enter the portal to Uharu. Its crew stands ready to complete their mission: the ghost ship Zafirah has been found - those who reach her first will most likely unveil the truth behind one of the horizons most ominous mysteries?
Many months ago, the destroyer Zafirah vanished during the same event that sent the cruise liner Ghazali crashing into the Hamura star. Now she is back, in a time when both the aftermath of the Mysticides and the death of the Emissary have shaken the horizon to its foundations. The Coriolis Council and Zenithian authority are questioned, and more and more people revolt against their oppressors. The throat of the Third Horizon is exposed, and this is when something ancient rises from the shadows.
The Last Cyclade is the second part of Mercy of the Icons, the epic and richly illustrated campaign for Coriolis - The Third Horizon. This book contains:
Extensive background information for the Gamemaster, describing the events which threaten the Third Horizon and its inhabitants
The Uharan Echo: an adventure set in the darkness of space, a quest to solve a grand and terrifying mystery
Mission Generator Tables that let you tailor your campaign and create your own adventures, dealing with the hunt for a foe whose power is rising The Children are the Future, Forked Tongues, Curse of Rusah, and Fire of the Icons: four adventure landscapes that expose the player characters to these troublesome times
In the Shadow of the Zenith: a race against time, where the characters return to Coriolis and find themselves at the heart of the horizons escalating conflict

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    FreeLeague FLEFCOR002 - Coriolis The Last Cyclade
    FreeLeague FLEFCOR002 - Coriolis The Last Cyclade 39,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 20.09.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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