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FreeLeague FLEMUH050080 - Mutant: Year Zero - Lair of the Saurians (Mutant Zero RPG Supp.)

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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
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Artikel-Nr.: FLEMUH050080-bur

FreeLeague FLEMUH050080 - Mutant: Year Zero - Lair of the Saurians (Mutant Zero RPG Supp.)
Zone Compendium 1: Lair of the Saurians

Zone Compendium 01: Lair of the Saurians is the first official supplement to the Mutant: Year ZeroRPG. This 32-page booklet is packed with thrilling scenario locations and useful tools for the the game.


- Lair of the Saurians: By an islet in the dark waters of the Zone rests a huge rusted metal tube, rumored to hold rich treasures of the Ancients days. But are its reptilian inhabitants friends or foes?
- The Oracle of the Silver Egg: Stalkers say that the man in the metal dwelling in the swamp knows the answers to any question. They say he can even show the way to Eden. But some who go to visit the oracle never return.
- A Seed of Evil: The Ark is threatened by an enemy like none other before it. One by one, the People turn into something ? different. Who - or what - is behind it all?
- The Family Homestead: The world may have ended, but one family isnt about to let that little fact change their way of life.
- Long Distance Travel: Rules for leaving the Zone and travelling far and wide across continents.
- Monster Generator: Create new and unique Zone monsters with just a few quick dice rolls.

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 23.11.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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