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FreeLeague FLEMUH050550 - Symbaroum: Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden (Symbaroum Exp., Hardback)

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FreeLeague FLEMUH050550 - Symbaroum: Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden (Symbaroum Exp., Hardback)
Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden

They avoided eye-contact, both of them focused on the flickering flame that struggled for its life on the table between them. It wouldnt be long before the darkness reigned supreme in their booth at the Salons of Symbaroum.

"You feel it too,? she whispered to her friend and colleague. "Admit it.?

"It? Its nothing, only the autumn coming. Moist and wind. Darkness ??

?Moist, wind, darkness, they are all constant,? she tried to explain. ?Autumn does not come in? swells??.

"Maybe youre falling ill,? the friend remarked optimistically. "Maybe you??

The candle went out, as if extinguished by the invisible wave washing over her, a wave that again made her stomach ache and her thoughts darken. She blinked, met her friends gaze and forced a mendacious smile.

"Youre right, theres nothing to worry about? just an ordinary autumn morning in Thistle Hold, just a??

Her words died out, murdered by a clang that hadnt been heard in the town for more than four years - the clang of the alarm bell at the palisades Northern Gate.


Thistle Hold - Wrath of the Warden is the first book in the Chronicle of the Throne of Thorns. It begins with a section that expands on the Core Rulebooks description of Thistle Hold, written to be read by both players and Game Masters. After that comes a section exclusively meant for the Game Master, chiefly containing secrets and information which may be used to create adventures set in the town at the border of Davokar. The final section of this book consists of the adventure Wrath of the Warden - an adventure that undoubtedly will provide you and your friends many entertaining and thrilling gaming hours around the table.


Featured content:

  • The action packed and highly dramatic adventure Wrath of the Warden.
  • A comprehensive introduction to Thistle Holds history, establishments, groupings, and conflicts meant to be read by both players and GMs.
  • About twenty detailed taverns, inns, shops and more, where the player characters spend time and thaler between adventures.
  • A revealing account of what hides in the shadows of Thistle Hold, full of plot hooks and intrigues waiting to be developed into adventures.
  • Two colorful ruins to explore and guidelines for how to set up for Goal Oriented Roleplaying.
  • A chapter with additional rules, including new traits, abilities, special actions, elixirs and not least half a dozen new mystical artifacts.

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 23.11.2024
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