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FreeLeague FLEMUH051597 - Coriolis: Emissary Lost (Coriolis RPG Supp.)

39,99 €*
39.99€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Artikel-Nr.: FLEMUH051597-bur

FreeLeague FLEMUH051597 - Coriolis: Emissary Lost (Coriolis RPG Supp.)
Street reporters call it The Mysticides. Scores of mystics have been found dead, or disappeared without a trace. Who is hunting the mystics of Coriolis? And why? When a friend of the player characters disappears, it becomes personal. Can they solve the mystery before it is too late? 

Emissary Lost is the first part in the epic  Mercy of the Icons  campaign for the award-winning  Coriolis - The Third Horizon roleplaying game. The struggle for the Horizon has started - only the Icons themselves know how it will end. Contents of the 232 page full-color hardback book: 

  • A detailed background of the events and plots that threaten the balance of the Third Horizon. 
  • In the Wake of the Martyr  - an investigative scenario based on Coriolis station. The hunt for clues will bring the characters to the bustling Ozone Plaza, to the decadent elites in the Spire, and deep down into the darkness of the Cellar. 
  • The Kuan Connection , the second scenario in the book, takes the characters down to the surface of planet Kua. There, they will follow a trail of blood through the jungles, immerse themselves in the violent politics of the Zenithian colonies, and search for answers in the shadow of the mighty Monolith. 
  • A number of maps and handouts, depicting Coriolis station, planet Kua, and  
  • important documents. 
  • A scenario generator that can be used to provide countless hours of play once the pre-made scenarios are completed. 

"The games authors describe it as Arabian Nights in space and it fulfills that brief marvelously. Style 5/5, Substance 5/5.? 

- RPG.NET Review 

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    FreeLeague FLEMUH051597 - Coriolis: Emissary Lost (Coriolis RPG Supp.)
    FreeLeague FLEMUH051597 - Coriolis: Emissary Lost (Coriolis RPG Supp.) 39,99 €*

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* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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