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FreeLeague FLEMUH051653 - Forbidden Lands RPG (Boxed Set RPG)

49,99 €*
49.99€ *


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FreeLeague FLEMUH051653 - Forbidden Lands RPG (Boxed Set RPG)
Winner of  four  ENnie Awards 2019!

  • Product of the Year (Silver)
  • Best Rules (Silver)
  • Best Cartography (Gold)
  • Best  Production Values  (Gold)

Round the beggar from Varassa all sat in a ring,

and by the campfire they sat and heard his song.
And about walkers and wolfkin and every terrible thing,
and of his fear he sang to them all night long:
"There is something beyond the mountains, beyond the howls beyond the mist,
there is something behind the veils, behind hearts cold as stone.
Hearken, something walks and whispers, walks and lures you in and whimpers:
Come to us, for this earth shall ever be ours and ours alone!?

Forbidden Lands is a new take on classic fantasy roleplaying. In this open-world survival roleplaying game, youre not heroes sent on missions dictated by others - instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will discover lost tombs, fight terrible monsters, wander the wild lands and, if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend. Contents of the boxed set:

  • Hardcover Players Manual with faux leather covers, including rules for fast character generation, visceral combat, lethal magic, dangerous journeys and for building your own stronghold - easily be ported to your own favorite game world.
  • Hardcover Gamemasters Guide with faux leather covers, including a rich and detailed description of the Forbidden Lands setting, a large illustrated Bestiary, extensive random encounters, and three complete adventure sites.
  • The Legends & Adventurers booklet, letting you flesh out your characters and give them unique backgrounds.
  • A huge full-color map, giving you the freedom to explore the Forbidden Lands any way you want, hex by hex.
  • A sheet with stickers for adventure sites and gravestones, transforming the game map to a living, permanent record of your adventures.

PS. You can buy the core set alongside custom dice, a custom card deck, a deluxe GM Screen, and the 200-page hardback Ravens Purge campaign book in the Raven Bundle.

Forbidden Lands was named one of the best RPGs of 2018 by Geek & Sundry. The crowdfunding campaign raised over a quarter of a million dollars and was the third most successful RPG Kickstarter in the world 2017.


"Its like somone took hazy childhood memories of a classic D&D game and mixed them with a dash of bleak Scandinavian darkness."
-Tabletop Magazine

"Superbly packaged, Forbidden Lands is a pleasing combination of Old School nostalgia and fast, simple mechanics with unobtrusive narrative elements designed to bring aspects of the character into play. Its setting offers scope for the player characters to develop not just personally, but also in terms of their place in the world."
-Reviews from Rlyeh

"This may be the most perfect role-playing game product Ive ever seen."
-Plot Points RPG Podcast

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    FreeLeague FLEMUH051653 - Forbidden Lands RPG (Boxed Set RPG)
    FreeLeague FLEMUH051653 - Forbidden Lands RPG (Boxed Set RPG) 49,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 20.09.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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