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FreeLeague FLESYM019 - Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemasters Guide

40,99 €*
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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2022
Artikel-Nr.: FLESYM019-bur

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FreeLeague FLESYM019 - Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemasters Guide
With the Ruins of Symbaroum game line, the acclaimed setting of Symbaroum comes to the worlds most popular roleplaying game rules. This beautifully illustrated, 200-page Gamemasters Guide offers inspiration, guidelines and optional rules that will help you when designing adventures and running game sessions in the world of Symbaroum using the 5th Edition OGL ruleset.

Time to prep and plan! Have your players uncover the secrets of Thistle Hold, Yndaros and Karvosti, or develop your own adventure sites in the Symbaroum setting. Send the player characters into the forest of Davokar on treasure hunts, holy missions or to establish an outpost, while facing pre-planned or randomly generated challenges. Determine what type of rewards to bestow on the adventurers - be it traditional treasure, mystical artifacts, new feats, pacts with creatures or factions, or even a domain of their own to govern. The Symbaroum setting can be the staging ground for many kinds of adventures, and this book helps you make the world your own!


  • Extensive information on the capital city of Yndaros, the fortune hunters town of Thistle Hold, and Karvosti, the cliff of the High Chieftain and the Huldra.
  • Guidelines and tables for placing adventures in the Underworld, Yonderworld and Spirit World.
  • Advanced rules regarding expeditions into the forest of Davokar, to be used when designing or randomly creating thrilling treasure hunts, journeys of exploration and other kinds of wilderness adventures.
  • Informed instructions and guidelines regarding the design of game worlds, adventures, and epic campaigns.
  • A chapter on how to make in-game rewards more interesting and tailored to different player types, also including twenty-seven mystical artifacts, each with its own adventure setup.
  • A long list of optional rules, regarding advanced traps, troupe play, ceremonial magic, managing domains, pitched battles, pact making, social challenges, and more.
  • The one-shot adventure Blight Night, set at the edge of Davokar Forest, as an example of how adventure landscapes in Symbaroum can be built.

Hersteller: FreeLeague
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    FreeLeague FLESYM019 - Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemasters Guide
    FreeLeague FLESYM019 - Ruins of Symbaroum (5E) - Gamemasters Guide 40,99 €*

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