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Kobold Press KOB5925 - Margreve Players Guide for 5th Edition

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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Kobold Press KOB5925 - Margreve Players Guide for 5th Edition
The Old Margreve Forest is an ancient wood, already old when most of the gods were young. Kingdoms rise and fall beyond its borders, but the Margreve remains a world apart-a place where memories and old magic linger in the rings of trees. It has plenty of secrets and treasures to tempt adventurers, but those who fail to honor the Old Ways do not return?

The 60 pages of the Margreve Players Guide for 5th Editiongive you everything you need to journey into the deep, dark woods and come out again alive-or achieve a heros death worthy of story and song! Here youll find:

  • Three new playable races from the deep woods: Alseid, Erina, and Piney
  • New barbarian primal paths for bearfolk characters: Hive Tender and Shadow Chewer
  • Forest-themed class options for clerics, druids, rangers, rogues, warlocks, and wizards, including the Circle of Oak druid and the Griffon Scout ranger
  • 13 new companion beasts, including everything from alligators and falcons to a giant mongoose, forest hounds, and rare stags
  • 6 new feats, and a new Forest Dweller background with a feral variant
  • 45 new spells, including shadow tree, legion of rabid squirrels, mark prey,and revive beast
  • New magic items, including bracelet of the fire tender, circlet of holly, and sickle of thorns

The gods speed you on your quest, heroes. Stay to the path! Beware the human-sounding whispers from the shadows! And never, ever light a torch after midnight?

Converted by:  Jay Scheponik

Requires:An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and the included 5E Compatible ruleset.

Hersteller: Kobold Press
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    Kobold Press KOB5925 - Margreve Players Guide for 5th Edition
    Kobold Press KOB5925 - Margreve Players Guide for 5th Edition 19,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 20.09.2024
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