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Modiphius Entertainment MUH050212 - Infinity Adventures in the Human Sphere

20,00 €*
20.00€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Versandstufe: 1*
Artikel-Nr.: MUH050212-bur

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Modiphius Entertainment MUH050212 - Infinity Adventures in the Human Sphere

From the unreachable boardrooms of the Hyperpowers to the cold asteroids of Human Edge, and the bright allure of Maya to the dark corners of Arachne, intrigues and confrontations take place across every aspect of the Human Sphere. New plots, counteroffensives, and plans for subterfuge are deployed with a frantic pace even ALEPH would struggle to process. 

Walking an infinitesimally thin line amidst the political, social and physical turmoil, 0-12 agents are tasked with containing the chaos before it escalates, allowing regular citizens of the Human Sphere to live their lives blissfully unaware of the dangers that threaten to unravel the delicate balance of powers. 

Adventures in the Human Sphere provides a collection of far-reaching missions, each designed to thrust your agents into the path of machinations and conflicts that jeopardise the fragile alliances which bind humanity together. 

  • Immerse yourself in the Infinity Roleplaying Game with ten independent adventures that run the length and breadth of the Human Sphere, from Sol to Human Edge. 
  • New adversaries to add to your rosters including the Hungries of the Combined Army, and brutal Kyrgyz Mafia. 
  • In-depth maps of key locations, quantronic networks, and social interactions that underpin the conflicts within this rich array of locations. 
  • Comprehensive Wilderness of Mirrors objectives for each adventure, with specific plot hooks for each faction. 
  • Advice on extending both scenes and adventures, so that these missions become a springboard for your own  expanded campaigns. 

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    Modiphius Entertainment MUH050212 - Infinity Adventures in the Human Sphere
    Modiphius Entertainment MUH050212 - Infinity Adventures in the Human Sphere 20,00 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 21.09.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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