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Modiphius Entertainment MUH050216 - Infinity: War Market: The Mercenaries Sourcebook

22,50 €*
22.50€ *


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
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Modiphius Entertainment MUH050216 - Infinity: War Market: The Mercenaries Sourcebook
"Soldiers of fortune, bodyguards, pirates, cut-throats, and heroes. The worst villains and the greatest heroes of the G5can all be found in this great melting pot of freelancing warriors. From the flickering bulbs of Novyy Bangkoks fightingpits to the luxuriant skyscrapers of San Pietro, there is always someone willing to pay for their problems to be metwith belt-fed subtlety and under-barrel discretion. Lone wolves, invisible techno-pirates, and even squads of murderingreavers, the mercenaries of the Human Sphere follow age-old traditions and work for the highest bidder, adapting andusing all the latest technologies. Strangers to the ideals of patriotic love or loyalty, hard cash?or even better, solidquantronic credit accounts!?is the way to their hearts, and even more cash is the key to their loyalty.
From the construction of the first orbital elevator to the ongoing conflict in Paradiso, many factions have turned tomercenaries for cost-effective violence and intimidation. Whether escorting doctors and refugees out of Ghezirah,providing close protection for paranoid executives across Neoterra, or brutally resolving a miners strike in HumansEdge, the mercenaries of the Human Sphere will take your money and get the job done. Never have mercenaries beenin higher demand thanks to the political situation in the various theatres of the Sphere, and both Hypercorps and G5governments employ the services of these soldiers for hire. Sometimes in the open, sometimes undercover, it seemsthese lords of war are a necessity in the power games of the future.
But the life of a merc isnt all bullets, venture onto the War Market where the cold and pragmatic business of war hasnever been so civilized. Meet Free Company Captains and review their units according to their performance both in thebattle and in Maya. Your preferred company may be cost effective, but are they giving their extra with the WarCors andlivestreams? Because in the Human Sphere, everything is"

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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    Modiphius Entertainment MUH050216 - Infinity: War Market: The Mercenaries Sourcebook
    Modiphius Entertainment MUH050216 - Infinity: War Market: The Mercenaries Sourcebook 22,50 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 21.09.2024
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