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Steamforged Games SFGED001 - Medici The Board Game

29,99 €*
29.99€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 39,99 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Versandstufe: 1*
Artikel-Nr.: SFGED001-bur

Steamforged Games SFGED001 - Medici The Board Game
The beautiful streets of 16th century Florence are alive with opportunity! Step into  the shoes of a merchant buyer in the profitable age of the infamous Medici family.  

Each day, youll go to the wholesale market, where the highest quality wares await a keen eye and a competitive bid - the finest cloth, exotic spices, grain from fields abroad, colourful dyes, lush furs and, rarely, gold from mines far across the waters? 

A classic Reiner Knizia auction game for 2-6 players, now with a whole new look! This new edition of Medici features new artwork and visuals designed to immerse you in the beauty and bustle of 16th century merchant trading in Florence, Italy.  

Medici takes place over three days (rounds). Taking on the role of seafaring traders, youll present goods to be auctioned and bid to fill your ships with cargo. When the day ends, youll receive coin for your wares. But be careful - the money youll use to bid is also your end-game points! 

Key Features  

  • Visual reimagining of the classic Reiner Knizia auction game, Medici 
  • Competitive board game for 2-6 players 
  • Outbid rivals for premium merchant wares to fill your ships 
  • Captivating new artwork and visuals, including new player characters 
  • Bid wisely - your money is also your end-game points! 
  • 60 minute playtime 

Whats in the box? 

  • 1 Game board
  • 6 Large ship mats
  • 2 Small ship mats
  • 6 Ship tokens
  • 36 Commodity cards
  • 36 Player counters
  • 3 Player aid cards
  • 1 First player card
  • 5 Commodity counters
  • 2 Day counters
  • 1 Rulebook

About the game 

A classic Reiner Knizia auction game for 2-6 players, now with a whole new look! This new edition of Medici features new artwork and visuals designed to immerse you in the beauty and bustle of 16th century merchant trading in Florence, Italy. Medici takes place over three days (rounds). Taking on the role of seafaring traders, youll present goods to be auctioned and bid to fill your ships with cargo. When the day ends, youll receive coin for your wares. But be careful - the money youll use to bid is also your end-game points! 

Hersteller: Steamforged Games
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Steamforged Games Ltd
EU-Kontakt: burst Spiele GmbH Maybachstraße 5 71088 Holzgerlingen Deutschland www.burstspiele.de
Osprey House, 217-227 Broadway, M50 2UE, Salford, Manchester, Großbritannien

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    Steamforged Games SFGED001 - Medici The Board Game
    Steamforged Games SFGED001 - Medici The Board Game 29,99 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 28.03.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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