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Steamforged Games SFGRE2003 - Resident Evil 2: The Board Game - Survival Horror Expansion

41,24 €*
41.24€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 54,99 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: Unbekannt
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Artikel-Nr.: SFGRE2003-bur

Steamforged Games SFGRE2003 - Resident Evil 2: The Board Game - Survival Horror Expansion
The Survival Horror expansion is packed with new content for your games of Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game, including five unique new survivor characters, new weapons, bizarre new enemies, a new game mode, and two completely new scenarios featuring player vs player characters! If youre looking to add an extra challenge and depth to your games or just want to see the world burn, this expansion is your ideal accompaniment.
Are you ready to return to the nightmare and discover the true end of Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game?
Trade Points
Completely new Player vs Player game mode is sure to excite your Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game (SFRE2-001) fans, allowing them to play as the bad guys.
Seven new Survivors are available in this expansion. Bringing huge replayability to Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game (SFRE2-001).
Three brand new mini-bosses, and three new enemies to encounter upgrading the player experience for Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game (SFRE2-001) and Resident Evil™ 2: The B-Files (SFRE2-002)
Sales Points
Play as William Birkin and RPD Chief Brian Irons, as you hunt the other survivors. A brand-new Player vs Player Game Mode for use in the new scenarios contained in this expansion. A whole new difficulty setting, Hard Mode. Are you capable enough to beat Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game at its hardest challenge?
Advanced versions of Claire & Leon, plus five new player characters, Marvin Branagh, Annette Birkin, Sherry Birkin, Brad Vickers, and Ben Bertolucci. Usable in Resident Evil™ 2: The Board Game providing a unique gameplay experience every single time you play.

Hersteller: Steamforged Games
Produkttyp: Brett- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Kategorie: Englische Spiele

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 25.11.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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