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Para Bellum PBW7411 - Nords: Jarl

18,74 €*
18.74€ *
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Para Bellum PBW7411 - Nords: Jarl
The title of Jarl is perhaps the most misleading. Much like the word Lord used in the southern lands, there can be a great gulf between two different individuals addressed by the same title. The same holds true in Nord society, where a Jarl remains a recognized leader of men, but the number and puality of the troops at his disposal can vary wildly. In the southern coast of Mannheim, where the weather is a little sweeter than in the true north and the sea provides its bounty through both raiding and fishing, a Jarl might rule over no more than one prosperous town or village, but still manage to support a standing fighting force of over a hundred hard bitten raiders and huskarls, doubling or tripling that during times of need. On the other hand, in the deep north where only small communities of few people can be sustained, a Jarls available manpower shrinks tremendously, often resulting in situations where a single Jarl and his hand-picked chosen men range over a large area, hunting and tracking outlaws and predators. The gap is further widened due to another powerful determinant of a Jarls status and resources, ones command of ships. Having the ability to entice warriors with the promise of plunder and the income provided by the same, southern Jarls often command enough warriors to commit half their forces to raiding year round, without having to sacrifice on efficiency of their dwellings other operations. All the while, the income and glory from successful raids adds to a Jarls prestige, bringing even more men willingly under their command. HOW THEY PLAY: Tacticians and masters of raids, Jarls storm enemy positions with a mix of human infantry, brutes, and mighty Jotnars. Essential to any Nord Army List, these characters present a well-balanced aggressive warband to the battlefield, ensuring a strong early presence.

Hersteller: Para Bellum
Produkttyp: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings Nords
Kategorie: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings Nords

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    Para Bellum PBW7411 - Nords: Jarl
    Para Bellum PBW7411 - Nords: Jarl 18,74 €*

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* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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