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Para Bellum

Para Bellum PBW6104 - Hundred Kingdoms: Conquest Supercharged 1 Player Starter Set

99,83 €*
99.83€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 160,00 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Werktage **
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Versandstufe: 1*
Kategorie: Neuheiten 2025
Artikel-Nr.: PBW6104-bur

Para Bellum PBW6104 - Hundred Kingdoms: Conquest 2025 Supercharged Starter Set
A supercharged 1 player starter ready to play a game of First Blood or The Last Argument of Kings. This new Hundred Kingdom set is loaded with a beautiful infantry set of the new Sicarii, the first look at the Remixed,rescultpt of the Men at Arms, a set of the new Crusaders, a set of Cavalry with the Mounted Squires, the new Crusading Noble Lord and the current Female Noble Lord so you can command your army using the Dynastic Alliances rules. You can use both leaders out of the box. A complementary set to the 5th Anniversary Starter Set also available now. This set is a well built First Blood army as well as a great beginning set to play a game of Last Argument of Kings. Included in this set are quick start guides for First Blood II and TLAOK II, along with all assembly instructions, a great path of Conquest guide, 12 16mm 6 sided dice, 2D Terrain Set, an EA Paper Map and all necessary command cards, bases and stands. A great value for players, a more than 35% discount over the prices if just the units alone were purchased separately. How do the Hundred Kingdoms play? The Hundred Kingdoms cannot claim to have the best troops, but they have damn good troops and they tend to have more of them. Their cavalry is second to none and the intrinsic flexibility of the human mindset means your opponent cannot be certain what he will face: A veteran force of hard bitten infantry supported by powerful casters? A thundering charge led by an impetuous lord that bets everything on the speed of horse and strength of arms? OR The canny and disciplined combined arms approach of a shrewd imperial officer who leverages each of these pieces into a sum greater than the whole? Read more about the Hundred Kingdoms here - https://www.para-bellum.com/the-hundred-kingdoms/

Hersteller: Para Bellum
Produkttyp: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings The Hundred Kingdom
Kategorie: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings The Hundred Kingdom
Angaben zum Hersteller:
Para Bellum Wholesale Ltd
Inomenon Ethnon 48, 6042, Larnaca, Zypern


55555 5/5  am 3. März 2025
Ich hab hier schon 3x conquest Miniaturen bestellt und das war jedes mal super günstig und schneller Versand. Top!

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    Para Bellum PBW6104 - Hundred Kingdoms: Conquest Supercharged 1 Player Starter Set
    Para Bellum PBW6104 - Hundred Kingdoms: Conquest Supercharged 1 Player Starter Set 99,83 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 13.03.2025
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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