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Para Bellum PBW7111 - Spires: Biomancer

18,74 €*
18.74€ *
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Para Bellum PBW7111 - Spires: Biomancer
Ruthlessly culled and honed by this environment, one can be certain that those Biomancers he encounters all share the same sharp, cruel intelligence and the will to use it mercilessly. In the complex political arena of the Spires, all commanders know that inviting a Biomancer to the field of battle is a calculated risk. Their duplicitous nature and the primacy of the Directorates will in their agenda is common knowledge, but the power they wield is one of the greatest force multipliers the Spires could hope to possess. Biomancers have moved well past the crude art of pheromancy, affecting the flesh of their subjects directly. While this would normally be impossible outside of the laboratory conditions they normally enjoy, almost all the troops of the Spires are spawned under the auspices of the Directorate. Their flesh is riddled with alterations and unfinished changes primed and waiting for the sorcerous efforts of the Biomancers. That is the true mastery and science of the Directorate. The creation of cheap, disposable troops is only half the epuation, the other half being the cruel and precise genius in their designs, by priming those same troops to become a blank canvas for field operatives to display their true twisted virtuosity. Isolated pockets of nutrients can be used to effect swift and crude healing operations, while bone spurs and dormant glands can be activated at a moments notice to enact even more drastic changes. The toll that this takes on their charges is of little consepuence to Biomancers, so long as their will, and that of the Directorate, are fulfilled. Oh, and winning the battle of course?

Hersteller: Para Bellum
Produkttyp: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings The Spires
Kategorie: Conquest The Last Argument of Kings The Spires

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    Para Bellum PBW7111 - Spires: Biomancer
    Para Bellum PBW7111 - Spires: Biomancer 18,74 €*

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 19.09.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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