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Gale Force Nine Boardgame GFNWOT01UP - World of Tanks Starter Set 2023 (Maus, T29, IS-3, Centurion)

40,50 €*
40.50€ *
Unverb. Preisempf. 45,00 €


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Versandkosten 4,89 € in Deutschland
Lieferzeit: 5-10 Werktage **
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Versandstufe: 1*
Artikel-Nr.: GFNWOT01UP-bur

Gale Force Nine Boardgame GFNWOT01UP - World of Tanks Starter Set 2023 (Maus, T29, IS-3, Centurion)
Everything You Need
Inside the World of Tanks: Miniatures Game Starter Set you will find everything you need to play a game, except a table and an opponent, to play your first games.
Tanks And Tank Cards
The box contains four assembled and pre-painted 1:100 scale miniatures, ready for battle. Each tank has a tank card that contains all the stats and information that you need to know.
Starting from the left, coming in at almost 200 tonnes, the German Maus is an iconic heavyweight champion, capable of shrugging off almost all incoming fire.
Next, we have the Soviet IS-3. The rounded turret and piked frontal armour make the Soviet IS-3 stand out on the battlefield, along with its ability to bounce round after round.
The mobile British Centurion Mk. 1 is the perfect upgrade platform, with upgrades to both the gun and turret increasing armour and firepower.
And last but not least, the American T29 is the start of an instantly recognisable heavy tank line, with incredibly strong frontal armour and a huge 105mm gun to boot.
Crew, Module, And Upgrade Cards
Crew, module, and upgrade Cards represent the extraordinary soldiers or additional equipment that separates an individual tank from the factory standard. They are used to modify a tanks stats or give them extra abilities.
In the Starter Set, you will find 31 different cards that you can use to personalise your tanks, along with the Tank Cards for the Maus, IS-3, Centurion Mk. 1 and T29.
Players familiar with the online game will recognise many of their favourite crew skills and perks, equipment and tank modules. Their abilities in the miniatures game have been based on their online counterparts, making for an immersive experience.
Dice, Tokens And Terrain
The Starter Box includes a set of six custom six-sided dice featuring blank, hit and critical faces. Future accessory packs will include more dice, including nation-specific coloured dice with the critical face replaced by a national symbol.
Each game uses a mixture of terrain: woods, hills, buildings and walls to make each battlefield unique. Inside the box, you will find a pair of double-sided cardboard woods or hills, which provide cover or block line of sight, four buildings that restrict your movement options and can hide tanks, and four walls that can provide some cover from enemy fire.
Lastly, there is a range of cardboard tokens to help you keep track of what is going on during the battle: which tank is which and how fast they moved, along with a measuring arrow, used for everything from movement, checking close range, and setting up the battlefield.
In the World of Tanks: Miniatures Game most hits tend to eat away at the hit points of a tank, but there are always those exceptional hits that damage equipment or even kill the crew. To represent these potentially devastating hits there is a critical deck of 32 cards ranging from a Lucky Hit that does extra damage, through to the Engine Fire card that can potentially wreck a tank with one hit.

Hersteller: Gale Force Nine Boardgame
Produkttyp: World of Tanks englisch
Kategorie: World of Tanks englisch

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Letzte Shop-Aktualisierung: 23.11.2024
* inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versand
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